ZUPA | We make brands glow. 

We are an independent agency based in Denmark.
And yes we do make our clients happy.
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Thinking outside the box

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Mogens Kristensen

CEO & Partner


(+45) 2727 9596

Sometimes, an idea can hit two birds with one stone – and zero media spend. This was the case when Silvan asked us to promote their new FSC-certified moving box.

Instead of relying on traditional media, we used Silvan’s own fleet of trailers to get the word out by redesigning each trailer as an oversized moving box. Besides promoting the new product, this allowed us to highlight Silvan’s strategically important – and in this context, highly relevant –  free trailer service.

Today, more than 200 trailers are in the streets, building a buzz with Silvan’s own customers behind the wheels.

Visual Identity & Design
Film & Animation
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